Jeff Cyprien: Fidextech Are Helping Tech Entrepreneurs Make It Big On The Internet

Jeff Cyprien | Fidextech LLC

Tell us about yourself?

I’m the founder of fidextech. I have a background in Systems Engineering and Social Communication. Nowadays, I mostly work in the IT and Digital Marketing industry. I love helping professionals and businesses, especially small businesses so they can scale their online presence. By mixing knowledge of IT with the creative business sector, I help bring different clients together. I believe that no matter what the size of a company is, enhancing its online presence can lead to positive growth opportunities.

What do you think is the single biggest misconception people have when it comes to startups?

I have been observing and listening to many people, who I assume are smart people. Many of them are novice entrepreneurs, and some believe that an entrepreneur must come up with the most genius thing ever, but we obviously know it’s not necessarily the case since most ideas have been done before. We may just have the idea to improve a product or even just come up with something different or disruptive.

If you could go back in time to any moment from your journey, and give yourself one tip, what would it be?

One of the most imperative tips I would give myself is to find a brilliant and dedicated co-founder who can start from their expertise. Believe it or not, starting a business with a co-founder can bring many benefits to the company. It could be a CTO or CFO, this will benefit the company, significant growth will occur and it may kickstart your business! The logic of this is plain simple: most successful startups require high skilled guys to get the business off the ground.

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What makes you stand out as an entrepreneur?

I like to think it’s my mindset. I maintain a positive attitude in even the most crappy of situations. If there is a goal for me to accomplish, nothing will stop me from getting there. I’ve gained quite a lot of experience over recent years and that has helped me a lot mentally. Some of the skills I acquired are: Improving my soft skills, emotional and social intelligence. My level of positive mindset really has helped to keep a positive outlook towards my goals. I made some good decisions that led to greatness in my work.

What are some of the best working habits you’ve gained over the past couple of years?

I have been trying to always add study time to my schedule, by reading at least a few pages daily. Goal setting helps me stay focused while working on my everyday tasks. Also, learning how to set goals and read at least two articles a day, has helped me stay focused and move my everyday learning process forward. One other habit I have is doing indoor workouts three times a week.

Give us a bit of an insight into the influences behind the company?

We are highly influenced by our core values. Three of our key values are serviceability, applicability, and fidelity. As a digital agency, we strongly believe in providing timely solutions and working efficiently to ensure client satisfaction. We apply proper solutions quickly to remedy any problem, eliminating stress in order to meet our client’s expectations.

Where do you see your business in five years?

If you’re a startup looking to make a name for yourself in the tech world or any industry. The sky’s the limit as long as you market well and provide outstanding solutions. We at Fidextech expect to be more than a digital marketing agency. We want to be a resourceful platform for entrepreneurs and tech enthusiasts worldwide where they can find help and tools to create, innovate, and become successful on the internet.

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What do you think the biggest challenge will be for you in getting there?

It is pretty hard to keep up with the evolution and changes in the digital world. Digital agencies will be having a hard time keeping up with the rapid changes in the digital world. To stay ahead of their competitors, they need to focus on being a new set of skills. It’s important to be flexible and multitask on your digital marketing strategies. Digital trends change overnight and companies need to be able to adapt to stay competitive.

Talk to us about your biggest success story so far?

We at Fidextech are so happy with what we have accomplished so far. Fidextech is a big story, and we’re just getting started. We have been able to help many professionals and small businesses on their journey of becoming successful on the internet. It is a great success story in progress. And it’s only going to get better from here!

How do clients and customers find you? Are you much of a salesperson for yourself?

Organic social media, inbound marketing, and strong networking are the three keys to our company’s success so far. No matter your business, you need to be aware of the different marketing strategies that are available to help you. Marketing is part of your business, not an expense. We also focus on small targets to grow. Marketing is a close second to sales, and it’s a great way to grow a personal brand.

What one tip would you give to fellow startup founders?

Always have a goal in mind, whether it is to find more customers, improve your SEO, or find new ways to streamline your development process. This will help you with your planning, starting your company, and operating it. You can’t accomplish anything without a goal in mind, so create a plan of action to achieve your goal.

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And finally, what do you hope the future brings both you personally, and your business?

Although hope can be a rather deceiving concept, I still do hope that Fidextech success doesn’t stop me from trying to improve upon whatever I may work on and finding happiness throughout the process.

Though success is in the eye of the beholder, the most successful entrepreneurs have hope that they will be successful, and they work hard to get there. Their success will only come from taking risks and always moving forward. Keep hope in your heart and your dreams will come true!

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