Kaushik Kapadiya: I Literally Can Not Sleep at Night if I Am Stuck at Something

Kaushik Kapadiya

Kaushik Kapadiya of TechDoodles.

Tell us about yourself?

I am in Software Development industry from 2012, worked as a developer, then Business Development Manager and then started my own company.

What do you think is the single biggest misconception people have when it comes to startups?

Hiring experienced people as they prefer to go with well reputed already established firms than Startups that come with the risks of being failed.

If you could go back in time to any moment from your journey, and give yourself one tip, what would it be?

Prepare for pandemic, learn how to sustain business during those crisis while taking care of the family members and employees.

What makes you stand out as an entrepreneur?

Sometimes I push myself too hard, maybe! I LITERALLY can not sleep at night if I am stuck at something.

What are some of the best working habits you’ve gained over the past couple of years?

Better time management, value addition in providing services and go beyond what is being expected from us.

Give us a bit of an insight into the influences behind the company?

Back in 2012 IT and software companies were charging unrealistic amount for the products from the people who were non technical.

The company was established in 2014, with the idea of providing top notch services in the software development and educate the non tech people, how they should go with their product idea without breaking their banks.

Where do you see your business in five years?

I honestly do not think about it, at least as of now. I believe in consistency more. I simply like to keep adding values to our products so in next five years company will be definitely in a better position. But that is not what I think much about.

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What do you think the biggest challenge will be for you in getting there?

Challenges were there, there are still challenges and there will be challenges. So we will keep making our way continuously through challenges. Without getting challenges in business, one neither survive nor grow in the market.

Talk to us about your biggest success story so far?

There was a time right after a short period of beginning of the company when we were at very shortage of funds. And it was at such level that we were on the verge of shutting down the company.

We discussed this matter internally with managerial level people and made some changes to our routine schedule. To our surprise, it worked like a charm and it pushed the company’s financial situation ahead and now here we are.

How do clients and customers find you? Are you much of a salesperson for yourself?

Yeah you can say that. We have experts BDM in our team and rest of the customers come from mouth of words from the clients who had great experience with our services.

What one tip would you give to fellow startup founders?

Never give up! The moment you think this is the time we are done for now, is the exact moment you will get your momentum.

And finally, what do you hope the future brings both you personally, and your business?

I have improved a lot personally over the past five years, changed behaviour, new skills acquired. And this self change helped a lot to improve my business as well. So in future, I will keep learning the market. I think if I will stop learning, I will fall behind.

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