Myke Metzger: Why Teach and Offer Services Based on Something You Haven’t Mastered Yourself

Myke Metzger

Myke Metzger of stoqd.

Tell us about yourself?

Myke Metzger was born in Long Island, New York (1989) and is an author, professional speaker, and entrepreneur.

He is best known for his success as a digital marketing consultant for some of the most successful companies, athletes, and public figures in America.

These social media channels of mine are far more important than Twitter and LinkedIn Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mykemetzger/ TikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@mykemetzger YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/MykeMetzgerofficial

What do you think is the single biggest misconception people have when it comes to startups?

Often times, companies think about the big goal — but forget the small steps involved. Goals such as introducing a new product or spending money on a viral influencer campaign.

Even pivoting the business before it’s hardly afloat. This is a good start to thinking bigger… but what can you start doing today? 1% improvements each week can add up to huge changes over time. Set repeatable processes, meetings, and goal review sessions and stick to them every week.

This will help any startup stay focused on what’s right in front of them, rather than getting distracted and constantly changing directions without reason.

If you could go back in time to any moment from your journey, and give yourself one tip, what would it be?

To stop being the “do everything” guy – and instead to focus only on a few specific service lines.

Years ago when I first started as a freelancer I would pretty much take on any project I could get my hands on.

I wish I had found out much quicker that if I doubled down on the few things I was really great at, I would have made much more progress in a shorter period of time.

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What makes you stand out as an entrepreneur?

I’m not only the founder of a marketing company, but I have real world results in marketing. Why teach and offer services based on something you haven’t mastered yourself?

I have an audience of roughly half a million people online, and my videos and content have been viewed and shared millions of times.

I’ve worked with hundreds of public figure, celebrities, pro athletes, and successful companies and brands over the past 8 years.

What are some of the best working habits you’ve gained over the past couple of years?

Mastering project management with the aid of technology. Our organization uses ClickUp religiously to keep us on task, and to make sure we’re delivering our projects on time for our clients.

Give us a bit of an insight into the influences behind the company?

Successful brands are unique and memorable brands. This is the one pattern that stands out above all else.

Our brands create exciting personas and invite customers into an unforgettable experience in a clear, simple, and impactful manner.

We offer brand makeovers, branding workshops, branding identity, guidelines, logo creation, website design, social media management, and more.

Where do you see your business in five years?

We are currently within the top 100 branding agencies in America. We aim to be in the top 5 in the next 5 years.

What do you think the biggest challenge will be for you in getting there?

Marketing changes and evolves quickly. We strive to remain aware to these changes and adapt to the times. Even within just one year the marketing landscape can shift quite drastically.

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This can cause a lot of challenges when it comes to offering premium marketing services.

Talk to us about your biggest success story so far?

As an agency, we’ve designed thousands of beautiful website for our clients. All of their stories stand out to us.

We only work with clients who have missions we believe in and can align with. This is what we consider success and remind ourselves of everyday. Behind amazing brands and companies are real people who we want to connect with and grow.

As far as my personal success story – I came from humble beginnings. I am not college educated, and I had to figure this all out for myself. I started at 23 years old. By 26 I had made my first six figures, and 2 years later I authored my first book (Credibility Method https://amzn.to/3QxdXTY).

At 30 I was accepted into the Forbes Business Council – I crossed my first million at 31 years old. I am verified on all social media platforms, have shared the stage with Grant Cardone and many others, and generally considered an industry leader in the world of marketing and consulting.

How do clients and customers find you? Are you much of a salesperson for yourself?

I have a strong background in sales, and earned my first 6 figures in income through phone sales. Today, our customers find us through our reputation, referrals, our content, advertising, and through our website.

What one tip would you give to fellow startup founders?

Build your credibility as quickly as you can. If you can position yourself properly and professionally in front of the right audiences, the sky is the limit. You need to earn respect and gain experience as quickly as possible.

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Work for free if you have to. Create a fictitious business problem and then create a case study explaining how you would solve this problem. Use that as sales material to land your first client. Be open, honest, and lead with integrity and you’re sure to make progress quickly.

And finally, what do you hope the future brings both you personally, and your business?

For the future, I hope to spend more time shifting towards YouTube and creating more longer format content.

I enjoy teaching, but have no interest in being a guru or having an online course. Id rather share my thoughts, teachings, and philosophy through engaging video content and give it to the world for free through YouTube, or on stage through paid events.

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